最近為Colbie同班同學預備thank you card 俾老師,見到好多外國的謝師卡都以蘋果為主題,我最lh估係老師培育小朋友就似種蘋果般,要小心呵護才有甜美果實
但諗諗下,why not strawberry but apple? 而家咁多人形容小朋友係草莓族, 想深一層,覺得可能因為後人多以蘋果為分別善惡樹的果子,老師教小朋友分辨善惡,就用蘋果告訴老師我地已經學懂!
上網search 一下, 我第二個想法好接近呀!
Giving Your Teacher an Apple
The apple is a symbol for teachers and teaching — students have given shiny fresh apples to their teachers on the first day of school for over a century. But exactly how the apple earned this distinction is not entirely clear."">The most common explanation is that in the 16th through 18th centuries in Denmark, Sweden, and the United States, poorer farming folk would pay their children's teachers with food - most notably with common and plentiful apples and potatoes. Another is that farmers gave teachers this food to supplement the teachers' low incomes; as teachers' wages went up, the amount of food went down. Eventually, students brought in that one apple out of tradition more than anything else.Another consideration is that in the retelling of the story of Adam and Eve, Eve is said to have eaten an apple from the Tree of Knowledge. The apple is not actually mentioned in the book of Genesis; only "the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge." Regardless, the apple story stuck. Since teachers offer knowledge to their students, the apple -as the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge — makes the perfect symbol.Some people point out that, when young children learn the alphabet, each letter is associated with a word they already know: A is for Apple, B is for Ball, and so on. So the apple is a symbol of the letter A, which is also the grade that most students want. So perhaps some students came to the conclusion that if they gave their teachers an A at the beginning of the school year, the teachers might return the favor and give them an A at the end of the year.This type of early "kissing up" led to the term apple polishing, a.k.a. brown-nosing, or offering up gifts or false flattery in hopes of gaining favor.Thousands of teachers receive shiny new apples at the beginning of every school year. Although they may have secretly hoped for an Apple iPod instead, this fruity gift is still appreciated. By giving your teacher an apple on the first day of school, you uphold a centuries-old tradition, make your teacher feel appreciated, and get the year started off right.
找到give APPLE to teacher 的原因後, 我跟小COLBIE 做了POP UP THANK YOU CARD 給老師們,用了紅畫紙做大蘋果,小瑜可以自己剪大蘋果的外型,貼上小瑜的可愛樣子,由媽媽貼上POP UP的小機關後,小瑜再加上THANK YOU CARD!
- 小瑜媽CUT 去太大的輕馳熊裝飾,
- 小瑜自己貼上背景顏色紙
- 小瑜再貼上老師的相片/合照後再貼上THANKS 的字樣,小瑜第一次貼莫老師的盒子時手指的力度過未能掌握,小瑜媽真的要去移位各"了"出摺入的字腳,但第二次自己不單控制到力度不會撕破貼紙,還可以自己平均地貼在盒子中! 當我見到完成品時真的好驚喜呀!貼得距離平均又成一直線!
- 小瑜媽當然要做最困難的:提字 :P
- 那。。。。盒子內部就差不多,只剩做好盒子面後貼上小裝飾!
- 盒子面小瑜自己可以貼上自己的樣子和THANKS 的卡紙,她還自己為兩位老師配答不同的THANK 字型和形狀(小瑜媽印了圓,方,心形)
可愛嗎?小瑜做好了幾天, 每晚都問我幾時可以送給老師~
多謝PN F&G組的媽媽信得過我,為大家準備兩張感謝卡給老師們,雖然沒法可以如願,讓小孩+家長+老師一同來張大合照,但龍校長額外在表演早會操時給時間我們送卡給各位老師,還要麻煩書姐姐去找出學校相機~~(因為校方活動家長不可以自己拍照)
本想做POP UP CARD,但太多小朋友,怕跳不出,小瑜媽又不憧用AI,PS,只好用POWERPOINT十分LOW TECH地做了張平面相架卡,希望老師們接收到小孩們的心意